Friday, January 6, 2012

Letting Go...


Letting go is hard. Usually I'm very good at letting go, but when you hurt, letting go is hard. I have been holding on to some things for way too long and when there are no customers at work, or I can't sleep, I sit there and dwell on these things. It makes my heart hurt. I don't know why I keep thinking these things because a lot of these people (actually almost all) are not in my life anymore. I know it's unhealthy, but it is like a magnet or those light things that attract flies in restaurants and whatnot. I want to let it all go...I just can't. And it's not that I haven't forgiven these people (to there knowledge or not), but I have. I just can't stop thinking about it all and why people would say and do those things to another person. It just hurts. Then I hurt because of it. And I know my mom said that these people have long forgotten whatever it is you're holding on to and so now the only person it's hurting anymore is you and the only person with the burden is you (we were actually talking about someone else and what he was holding on to, but I carried it over to my situation), but it still lingers in my mind, unable to die.

Lord, just give me peace.

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