Monday, June 4, 2012

Something I Don't Understand...


This is something that has been bothering me for quite some time: Why do people say "F" God? Especially atheists? It's just something I don't understand.  I mean, we push God out of our lives consistently, we don't ask for help, we tell Him we can do it ourselves.  So, God graciously gives us what we want.  Then when something bad happens, suddenly it's God's fault and He should have done something for us.  I mean isn't He supposed to always be there for us??  That would be like me working on a project and someone offers there help.  I say, "No I've got this. I don't need any help." I eventually finish that project, start and finish another one, and am working on a completely different one, when something goes wrong.  I turn to the person who asked me if I wanted help 2-3 projects ago and say, "What the heck?? Where were you?? I needed your help!" Just a wee bit ridiculous if you ask me.

I especially don't understand why atheists say it.  According to the definition of an atheist is: "A person who does not believe in God or gods." By saying "F" God, they are inadvertently claiming that there is in fact a God who has at least some power and control over how things turn out. So they are disclaiming their own beliefs. It just doesn't make sense to me!

That's all I've got. I just had to get it out there.

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