Sunday, March 28, 2010

"The World Hates the Disciples"


"They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the One who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin. He who hates me hates my Father as well."

I learned the true meaning of John 15:21-23 today. It hurt. Basically I was called an imbecile for my faith. A boy wrote as his status on Facebook this: "Trying to prove that God exists by using the Bible is like trying to prove that Hogwarts exists using Harry Potter."

Someone else then commented saying: "At least we know Harry Potter is original unlike the Bible which has been re-written and changed many times."

I then responded with: "How do you know it has changed so much? What evidence are you basing this belief on? As a matter of fact, the Bible has remained the most accurate ancient work ever. This can be seen from the tens of thousands of copies and fragments that have been found. Words have obviously beentranslated from the original language, but there is no evidence that the meaning of the texts has changed. That much of the Bible’s meaning has been lost remains a baseless and unsubstantiated claim."

A girl, I have never met, then proceeded to tell me I was an imbecile.

It was hard. I don't like it. But, I'm not giving up fighting for Jesus who fought so hard for me and still is. Time and time again his existence and even his claim as the son of God have been proven true.

Friday, March 26, 2010

"Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, and let your glory be over all the earth."
-Psalm 108:5

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


So, I've noticed that I have been rather pessimistic these past couple of months and I seem to have lost my ability to find good in things. I was thoroughly ticked off when it snowed again...more than anyone should be. It was ridiculous. So, lately I have been trying to find good in things again, trying to see the little things in life that make me happy that I have so sadly been missing for so long.

This is a list of the top 10 things in life that just make me happy:

10. Spring time (especially seeing daffodils and daisies :) ).
9. Chocolate.
8. Taking a day off and just listening to music and having no worries.
7. Daydreaming (I'm really good at it...always have been actually).
6. Disney movies.
5. The beach.
4. Seeing people smile (whether I know them or not).
3. All of the friends I have been blessed with (whether they are a BEST friend or not).
2. My family (My family is amazing. It includes some of the most intelligent, talented, wonderful people this world will ever know).
1. Jesus.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


So I've never had a blog before, but I decided to start one. Like everything else in my life right now, I probably won't have a whole lot of time for it...or I'll forget about it.

This school year has been so much fun for me. Freshman year was a little difficult and I didn't go out much, but that has changed. All through high school I had good friends and some of them became more like best friends after we graduated (don't get me wrong I had 2 of my best friends from elementary school, but during high school we all kind of went our separate ways still keeping in touch though). But, they those best friends are strewed about the country and I'm here. My sister found a group of friends here in college that I have been very jealous of. I hoped when I came to MSU I would find a group like that too. I thought this school year I might have found 2 very good friends and I was excited. But then they started talking about living off campus together and I was not part of it. I was hurt, not gonna lie. I even cried about it (but I cry about a lot of no real big surprise there). Then I thought I found another friend who wanted to live off campus or room together...whatever worked...and well...let's just say that it all seemed to fall through when it was too late to try and find other people. Again I got even more frustrated and I'm still frustrated about it now. I'm working though to give it all to God. It's hard but slowly, everyday, I'm putting my life in His hands instead of trying to control it all myself. I've pushed Him away quite a bit this school year trying to do everything on my own, so it's a work in progress, but I feel like He's really working hard in my life and in my heart right now to bring me back to Him. I definitely feel more at peace these past couple of days, since I've started praying everyday and really just trying to tell God everything that's going on inside my head. I mean, I know He's God, and He already knows everything in my head, but I think it's more for us to feel that much closer to Him and His son.