So, I've noticed that I have been rather pessimistic these past couple of months and I seem to have lost my ability to find good in things. I was thoroughly ticked off when it snowed again...more than anyone should be. It was ridiculous. So, lately I have been trying to find good in things again, trying to see the little things in life that make me happy that I have so sadly been missing for so long.
This is a list of the top 10 things in life that just make me happy:
10. Spring time (especially seeing daffodils and daisies :) ).
9. Chocolate.
8. Taking a day off and just listening to music and having no worries.
7. Daydreaming (I'm really good at it...always have been actually).
6. Disney movies.
5. The beach.
4. Seeing people smile (whether I know them or not).
3. All of the friends I have been blessed with (whether they are a BEST friend or not).
2. My family (My family is amazing. It includes some of the most intelligent, talented, wonderful people this world will ever know).
1. Jesus.
We like your happy list, Gr & Gr of Va.