Sunday, March 28, 2010

"The World Hates the Disciples"


"They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the One who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin. He who hates me hates my Father as well."

I learned the true meaning of John 15:21-23 today. It hurt. Basically I was called an imbecile for my faith. A boy wrote as his status on Facebook this: "Trying to prove that God exists by using the Bible is like trying to prove that Hogwarts exists using Harry Potter."

Someone else then commented saying: "At least we know Harry Potter is original unlike the Bible which has been re-written and changed many times."

I then responded with: "How do you know it has changed so much? What evidence are you basing this belief on? As a matter of fact, the Bible has remained the most accurate ancient work ever. This can be seen from the tens of thousands of copies and fragments that have been found. Words have obviously beentranslated from the original language, but there is no evidence that the meaning of the texts has changed. That much of the Bible’s meaning has been lost remains a baseless and unsubstantiated claim."

A girl, I have never met, then proceeded to tell me I was an imbecile.

It was hard. I don't like it. But, I'm not giving up fighting for Jesus who fought so hard for me and still is. Time and time again his existence and even his claim as the son of God have been proven true.


  1. Don't worry about those who do not agree with you, stand for what you believe. We are very proud of you. Gr & Gr from Va.

  2. Wish your permission, I would like to use your blog in my message on Sunday. The scripture is Acts 5:27-32 and is titles "And I won't Back Down". I'm using the lyrics from Tom Petty's song of the same title for an opener and I would like to use your blog as my closer.

  3. Some people say I shouldn't have pain but I know I do So I live with it even if I don't like it as you live with your "hurts" too
