Thursday, March 18, 2010


So I've never had a blog before, but I decided to start one. Like everything else in my life right now, I probably won't have a whole lot of time for it...or I'll forget about it.

This school year has been so much fun for me. Freshman year was a little difficult and I didn't go out much, but that has changed. All through high school I had good friends and some of them became more like best friends after we graduated (don't get me wrong I had 2 of my best friends from elementary school, but during high school we all kind of went our separate ways still keeping in touch though). But, they those best friends are strewed about the country and I'm here. My sister found a group of friends here in college that I have been very jealous of. I hoped when I came to MSU I would find a group like that too. I thought this school year I might have found 2 very good friends and I was excited. But then they started talking about living off campus together and I was not part of it. I was hurt, not gonna lie. I even cried about it (but I cry about a lot of no real big surprise there). Then I thought I found another friend who wanted to live off campus or room together...whatever worked...and well...let's just say that it all seemed to fall through when it was too late to try and find other people. Again I got even more frustrated and I'm still frustrated about it now. I'm working though to give it all to God. It's hard but slowly, everyday, I'm putting my life in His hands instead of trying to control it all myself. I've pushed Him away quite a bit this school year trying to do everything on my own, so it's a work in progress, but I feel like He's really working hard in my life and in my heart right now to bring me back to Him. I definitely feel more at peace these past couple of days, since I've started praying everyday and really just trying to tell God everything that's going on inside my head. I mean, I know He's God, and He already knows everything in my head, but I think it's more for us to feel that much closer to Him and His son.

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