Monday, October 18, 2010



It doesn't matter what I do right now...I think I am not far enough from my past for it to not keep haunting me. Everyday...the choices I made still come back and play into my present.

I'm not trying to completely forget my past, because how else am I supposed to learn, but I just want to move away from far as possible. I hate how much I have hurt the people I care most about.

I am not one to look in the past. If something reminds me of the past, then yes, of course, I will think about it. But after something has happened I don't look back at it and turn it over in my head over and over again. Not everyone is like that, though. I don't get mad at people who hold onto things (I know everyone does...I am guilty sometimes), it just hurts when they hold onto what I've done and remind me how I hurt them. It will take time to move on, though, so I can't just say "move on"...I can't be upset.

I am not really sure how to convince anyone that I've changed. I know, I know...actions speak louder than words...but it seems like time isn't moving fast enough for me to have had a sufficient amount of time to prove that my heart is 100% ready to change and I am not who I was.

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