Monday, April 12, 2010


I took a personality test today (well actually 4). Basically, what it came down to, was the fact that I have an extremely diverse personality.

The 1st test we looked over was the Multiple Intelligence Test (Just all about you: comparing your childhood experiences with today's experiences) and my two highest scores were Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (she said this shows up quite a bit with people who were very active when they were young and involved in a lot of sports-oh wait...that's me!) and Spatial Intelligence (being able to manipulate the inner and outer visual-spatial worlds through art, visualization, and/or visual thinking). My lowest ended up being Intrapersonal Intelligence.

The 2nd test was over work values that I look for/care for. I care for Health (work in which I can maintain good health), Lifestyle (work that lets me live the way I want to live and be the person I want to be), and Security (work in which there is little fear of losing the job). The lowest score for things I care about are Competition (work that has a rivalry for honors or prizes) and Recognition (work where I receive attention and disapproval).

The 3rd test was the Self-Directed Search Test. There are 3 groups with 2 summary codes that are used to discover your special pattern of interests, self-estimates, and competencies. Usually people have at least 2 summary codes from one group...nope...I had 1 summary code from each group. I was the combination "ASI" which stands for Artistic, Investigative, and Social. I have artistic, innovative, or intuitive abilities and like to work in unstructured situations using my imagination and creativity. I like to observe, learn, investigate, analyze, evaluate, or solve problems. I like to work with people-to inform, enlighten, help, train, develop, or cure them.

The 4th test was the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test. There are 4 scales and creating 16 possible types of people. I ended up having the most "rare" combination-"ENFP". Under the energy category I got the "E" which stands for Extroversion (I prefer to focus on the outer world of people and things). Under the Gather Information category I got the "N" which stands for Intuition (I tend to focus on the future, with a view towards patterns and possibilities). Under the Decisions category I got the "F" which stands for Feeling (i tend to base my decisions primarily on values and on subjective evaluation of person-centered concerns). Under the Lifestyle category I got the "P" which stands for Perceiving (I like a flexible and spontaneous approach to life and prefer to keep my options open).

So basically, my personality is all over the board.

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